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Aqueous Film Forming Foam Lawsuit: AFFF Linked to Cancer

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Aqueous Film Forming Foam Lawsuit: AFFF Exposure Linked to Cancer Risk

On this page, we’ll provide an overview of the Aqueous Film Forming Foam Lawsuit, cancers linked to AFFF and PFAS exposure, discuss the consolidation of the AFFF Firefighting Foam MDL, and much more.

Intro to the Aqueous Film Forming Foam Lawsuits

Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) has been used to extinguish highly flammable liquid fires for decades by military firefighters, municipal firefighters, airport workers, and chemical plant workers.

Scientific evidence has raised concerns about the health impacts of AFFF and specifically PFAS chemicals, which have been used in the manufacturing of firefighting foam.

Aqueous Film Forming Foam Lawsuit AFFF Linked to Cancer

PFAS chemicals, also known as “forever chemicals”, have been linked to various types of cancer and other severe health risks.

People who have been exposed to toxic firefighting foam are filing Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) Lawsuits against manufacturers, seeking compensation for their medical problems and related damages.

If you or a loved one were exposed to toxic firefighting foam and subsequently developed cancer or other health problems, you may be eligible to file an AFFF Lawsuit and seek financial compensation.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify to file an AFFF Lawsuit instantly.

Our firefighting foam cancer lawyers understand the risks associated with PFAS chemicals and AFFF firefighting foam.

We are here to guide you through the legal process and advocate for your best interests.

Reach out to our law firm today to learn more about the AFFF Firefighting Foam Lawsuit and how our team can help you seek justice.

Table of Contents

What Is Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF)?

In firefighting, where every second counts and safety is paramount, innovations that enhance the effectiveness of fire suppression are highly important.

First produced in the 1960s in collaboration between 3M and the US Military, Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) emerged as a significant advancement, designed to combat flammable liquid fires with remarkable efficiency.

3M was the sole supplier of AFFF firefighting foam to the military until the mid-1990s.

The development of AFFF represented a crucial turning point for firefighting strategies across various industries, from aviation and petrochemicals to military and municipal firefighting.

Despite its efficiency, scientific evidence has shown potential health risks associated with the chemical make-up of AFFF firefighting foam.

A crucial ingredient of AFFF is a fluorinated surfactant, which allows the foam to spread.

Environmental concerns arose as early as 1974.

Though the precise dangers of the foam were ambiguous, there were warnings about the foam’s potential harm to the environment and suggestions to use safer alternatives.

Despite concerns, the foam was continuously discharged into harbors, and it wasn’t until 1996 that concerns resurfaced about the foam’s possible health risks.

Composition of Firefighting Foam Products

AFFF is composed of water, foaming agents, and PFAS chemicals.

This formulation allows it to perform a dual role in firefighting scenarios.

Upon application, AFFF swiftly creates a foam blanket that effectively suppresses fires by preventing the release of flammable vapors, interrupting the combustion process.

The foam also acts as a cooling agent, reducing the temperature of the fire and limiting its spread.

Applications of AFFF Firefighting Foam

AFFF finds widespread application across various industries due to its unique ability to stop fires fueled by flammable liquids.

These include fires started by class B materials such as petroleum, oil, and solvents.

In 1967, following a disastrous fire on the USS Forrestal, which led to the death of 134 sailors, the Navy began requiring vessels to carry AFFF (Aqueous Film Forming Foam).

In military settings, AFFF firefighting foam has been used to extinguish flammable liquid fires both in training scenarios and emergency situations.

In aviation, AFFF foam is a large component of airport firefighting, managing aircraft fires and minimizing damage.

In the petrochemical sector, AFFF is employed to mitigate the hazards posed by industrial fires at refineries and storage facilities.

PFAS Chemicals & Their Use in AFFF Firefighting Foam

PFAS are a class of synthetic chemicals that have earned notoriety for their persistence in the environment and potential health implications.

These substances have carbon-fluorine bonds, which provide exceptional resistance to heat, water, and oil.

While this property makes PFAS highly effective in applications such as AFFF, it also makes them resistant to natural degradation processes.

As a result, PFAS can persist in the environment and the human body for extended periods, earning them the moniker “forever chemicals.”

In 2000, 3M, the original co-developer of AFFF, publicly announced it would cease production of PFOS, a key ingredient of the foam.

The military continued using AFFF formulations with other PFAS surfactants, despite growing concerns about their safety.

Environmental Concerns and Regulation of Forever Chemicals

The persistent nature of PFAS has raised environmental and public health concerns.

PFAS chemicals can migrate from firefighting training grounds, airports, and industrial sites into water sources, soil, and wildlife, potentially posing risks to ecosystems and human populations.

Direct exposure to firefighting foam has also been found to pose an increased cancer risk, as well as risk for other serious health problems.

In response, regulatory bodies, like the Environmental Protection Agency, have initiated efforts to monitor and restrict the use of certain PFAS compounds, advocating for safer alternatives while studying the potential health impacts on both humans and the environment.

Several states have also begun enacting legislation to limit and phase-out the use of PFAS chemicals.

Foam and surfactant manufacturers, including DuPont and Dynax, formed the Fire Fighting Foam Coalition in 2001 to defend and promote their products.

The coalition successfully lobbied the EPA to exclude AFFF from regulatory processes in 2003.

Cancers Linked to AFFF and PFAS Exposure

PFAS has been established as a possible carcinogen.

This means that it has certain properties that may start or encourage the growth of mutated cells, resulting in malignant tumors in various parts of the body.

Scientific evidence has linked AFFF exposure to the following cancer risk:

  • Bladder cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Testicular cancer
  • Thyroid cancer

Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer has been identified as one of the cancers that may be associated with PFAS exposure.

Research suggests that certain PFAS compounds can accumulate in the bladder, potentially leading to cellular changes in the organ’s lining and an increased risk of bladder cancer development.

Bladder cancer is a disease where malignant cells proliferate uncontrollably in the bladder’s tissues.

If untreated, it can obstruct urinary pathways, causing painful urination and kidney complications.

Breast Cancer

While the link between PFAS exposure and breast cancer is still being explored, studies have indicated that PFAS compounds can disrupt hormonal pathways and affect mammary gland development.

These disruptions may contribute to an elevated risk of breast cancer, especially in individuals with long-term or high-level exposure.

Breast cancer is a malignancy that originates from breast tissue, primarily the milk-producing ducts.

As it progresses, it can impair the lymphatic system, causing swelling and potentially spreading to other organs.

Colon and Rectal Cancer

Some evidence has suggested a potential connection between PFAS exposure and an increased risk of colon and rectal cancers.

The inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of PFAS may play a role in the development of these cancers by impacting the gastrointestinal system.

Colon/Colorectal cancer is characterized by malignant growths in the colon or rectum’s lining.

Over time, colorectal cancer can impede digestive processes, lead to blockages, and potentially metastasize to the liver and lungs.

Kidney Cancer

Exposure to certain PFAS compounds has been associated with an elevated risk of kidney cancer.

The kidneys play a crucial role in filtering toxins from the body, and the accumulation of PFAS in these organs may disrupt normal cellular processes and contribute to cancer formation.

Kidney cancer arises due to uncontrolled cell growth within the kidney, mainly in the renal tubules.

Advanced stages can hinder kidney function, affecting the body’s ability to filter waste and regulate fluids.

Liver Cancer

Given the liver’s role in metabolizing and detoxifying substances, it is particularly vulnerable to the effects of PFAS exposure.

Studies have indicated a potential link between PFAS and liver cancer, with evidence suggesting that PFAS accumulation in the liver may contribute to gene mutation associated with cancer development.

Liver cancer emerges from a rapid and aberrant cell growth within the liver.

If left unchecked, it can severely compromise liver functions like detoxification and metabolism regulation, leading to systemic effects.

Pancreatic Cancer

The relationship between PFAS exposure and pancreatic cancer is still being studied, but some research has suggested a potential link.

The substance has been found to accumulate in the pancreas, and its effects on inflammation and oxidative stress may contribute to the development of pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer is a particularly aggressive malignancy emanating from the pancreatic tissues.

Its advancement can disrupt both insulin production and digestion, leading to metabolic disturbances.

Prostate Cancer

There is ongoing research into the potential association between PFAS exposure and prostate cancer.

Hormonal disruption caused by the compounds may influence the development of prostate cancer, particularly in male individuals with sustained exposure.

Prostate cancer is a slow-evolving cancer that forms in the prostate gland in men.

Progressed stages can affect urinary and reproductive systems, leading to difficulties in urination and sexual health issues.

Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer is another area of concern in relation to PFAS exposure.

Hormonal disruption and cellular changes in the testes could potentially contribute to the development of testicular cancer in individuals exposed to PFAS.

Testicular cancer originates in the testicles’ germ cells.

While often treatable, its progression can impair male fertility and, in rare cases, spread to distant parts of the body.

Thyroid Cancer

The link between thyroid cancer and PFAS has been the subject of interest due to the thyroid’s sensitivity to disruptions in hormonal balance.

Exposure to AFFF firefighting foams may impact thyroid function, especially with how it produces several important hormones. This could potentially lead to an increased risk of thyroid cancer.

Thyroid cancer starts in the cells of the thyroid gland situated at the base of the neck.

Advanced stages can influence hormone levels, affecting metabolic rates, energy levels, and overall body temperature regulation.

Other Potential Health Risks of AFFF and PFAS Exposure

Toxic firefighting foam and PFAS chemicals can cause an array of health risks as they accumulate in various organ systems.

Apart from cancer risk, PFAS contamination and exposure to toxic chemicals in firefighting foam may increase the risk for other health problems.

Potential health risks associated with AFFF exposure and PFAS contamination include:

  • Ulcerative Colitis: Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes chronic inflammation and ulcers in the digestive tract. PFAS exposure has been examined for its potential role in promoting autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, which might exacerbate symptoms in those with ulcerative colitis, or potentially even contribute to its onset.
  • Thyroid Disease: Thyroid disease encompasses a range of disorders affecting the thyroid gland, responsible for producing hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism. There is growing concern and evidence that PFAS exposure might interfere with thyroid function, either by inhibiting hormone production or imitating thyroid hormones, leading to imbalances that can manifest as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.
  • Liver Damage and Dysfunction: Liver damage is one of the notable health concerns associated with PFAS exposure. Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to PFAS may lead to abnormal liver enzyme levels, fatty liver disease, and other liver-related disorders.
  • Fetal Developmental Issues: One particular concern is the potential impact of PFAS on developmental processes, especially in fetuses and young children. Studies have indicated a correlation between PFAS exposure and developmental issues, including delayed growth, reduced birth weight, and adverse impacts on the endocrine system.
  • Hormonal Imbalance: PFAS may disrupt hormonal balance, potentially leading to reproductive and developmental disorders. Mental health issues can also occur because of these imbalances.

What is the AFFF Firefighting Foam MDL?

A multidistrict litigation (MDL) is a process where several cases are tried in one court to speed up the process.

Current AFFF Lawsuits are being consolidated into the AFFF MDL, which is overseen by the US District Court for the District of South Carolina.

We want to emphasize that this is not an AFFF class action lawsuit, since class action lawsuits work differently.

Personal injury claims related to AFFF exposure and subsequent health problems are consolidated into the AFFF MDL.

Many law firms advertise for the “AFFF Class Action Lawsuit”, or the “AFFF Class Action MDL”, but these terms are incorrect.

In the event of an AFFF Lawsuit Settlement, compensation would be distributed to plaintiffs according to the circumstances and damages present in each individual case.

In a class action lawsuit, settlement compensation is divided evenly among all claimants regardless of how they have been individually and uniquely impacted.

Do You Qualify for the AFFF Lawsuit?

AFFF Lawsuits are being filed by individuals who have been exposed to AFFF firefighting foam and subsequently developed cancer or other health issues.

These lawsuits are being consolidated into multidistrict litigation (MDL).

The AFFF Firefighting Foam MDL is centralized in the US District Court for the District of South Carolina.

If you or a loved one were exposed to Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) and subsequently developed cancer or other health problems, you may be eligible to file an AFFF Lawsuit.

Contact TorHoerman Law’s AFFF Lawyers for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify to file an AFFF Lawsuit instantly.

Our attorneys are here to help you through the legal process, completing the steps necessary to filing a claim such as gathering evidence and assessing damages.

Gathering Evidence for AFFF Lawsuits

Building a compelling case requires a comprehensive collection of evidence that establishes a clear link between AFFF exposure and the resulting health issues.

The strength of this evidence can greatly influence the outcome of the lawsuit, making it crucial for affected individuals to work with experienced firefighting foam lawyers who understand the intricacies of AFFF litigation.

You can begin to gather evidence for your AFFF Lawsuit on your own, but an experienced lawyer can help you gather and retain evidence you may not be able to.

Potential evidence in AFFF Lawsuits may include:

  • Medical records
  • Cancer diagnosis information
  • Employment records
  • Military service records (if applicable)
  • History of AFFF exposure
  • Personal and witness testimony
  • Any other information validating exposure to firefighting foam

Assessing Damages in AFFF Lawsuits

When individuals have suffered adverse health effects due to AFFF and PFAS exposure and decide to pursue legal action, understanding the potential recoverable damages becomes essential.

A successful AFFF litigation or settlement negotiation can provide compensation for various losses and hardships experienced as a result of exposure to this potentially harmful firefighting agent.

These losses, economic and non-economic, are called damages.

Potential damages in AFFF Lawsuits may include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering, emotional distress
  • Lost earning ability
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Permanent disability
  • Future medical expenses and therapy costs
  • Other compensatory and punitive damages
  • Loss of consortium

TorHoerman Law: Your Firefighting Foam Attorneys

AFFF foam exposure has been linked to several health problems and an increased cancer risk.

There are thousands of pending AFFF Lawsuits in the Firefighting Foam MDL, and our lawyers are prepared to represent you in the AFFF Litigation.

If you or a loved one were exposed to AFFF firefighting foam and subsequently developed cancer or other health problems, you may be eligible to file an AFFF Lawsuit and pursue financial compensation.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify to file an AFFF Lawsuit instantly.

An experienced firefighting foam attorney from TorHoerman Law can guide you through the legal process and help you seek justice.

Reach out to us for more information, and visit this page for the latest AFFF Lawsuit update.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Average AFFF Settlement Amount?

    Firefighting foam cancer lawsuits have not yet reached the settlement phase.

    However, lawyers estimate that AFFF lawsuit settlement amounts may fall between $40,000 to $300,000 or more depending on the strength of the case and other individual factors.

    These projections are by no means a guarantee of financial compensation for AFFF foam lawsuits, they are merely projections based on knowledge of prior mass tort cases and settlements for cancer diagnosis.

    To get a more accurate settlement projection, it’s important that you contact an experienced firefighting foam attorney for insight and guidance on the specifics of your case.

  • What AFFF Manufacturers are Named in the AFFF Foam Lawsuit?

    Several companies have been named in the AFFF Foam Lawsuit.

    Some of these defendants were involved in the negligent disposal of firefighting foam products, while others were involved in the detrimental health risks and effects of AFFF firefighting foam exposure.

    Listed below are some of the most prominent company names involved in AFFF cancer lawsuits:

    • 3M
    • DuPont
    • Tyco Fire Products
    • Chemours
    • Corteva Inc.
    • BASF Corp.
    • Arkema Inc.
    • Dynax Corp.
    • Chubb National Foam Inc.
    • UTC Fire & Security Americas
    • AGC Chemicals Americas
    • Kidde-Fenwal
    • Clariant Corp.
    • Carrier Global Corp.

  • Is There an AFFF Class Action Lawsuit?

    No, there is not an AFFF Class Action Lawsuit for personal injury claims related to AFFF exposure.

    Rather, these lawsuits (as well as municipal water contamination cases) are consolidated into multidistrict litigation (MDL).

    The AFFF Firefighting Foam MDL is centralized in the US District Court for the District of South Carolina.

    There are significant differences between MDL and class action lawsuits, particularly in settlement distribution.

    In the event of an AFFF Firefighter Foam Lawsuit settlement, compensation would be distributed among clients according to the circumstances and damages present in their individual claims.

    In a class action lawsuit, settlement compensation is distributed evenly among all claimants regardless of their individual circumstances.

  • How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Firefighting Foam Law Firm?

    The firefighting foam attorneys at TorHoerman Law work on a contingency fee basis, which means that we DO NOT charge for legal representation unless we win your case.

    No win, no fee.

    This also means that you DO NOT have to pay any up-front money to hire our firefighting foam attorneys.

  • Do I Qualify for the AFFF Lawsuit?

    If you or a loved one were exposed to AFFF firefighting foam and subsequently diagnosed with cancer or other health problems, you may be eligible to file an AFFF Lawsuit.

    Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

    You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify to file an AFFF Firefighter Lawsuit instantly.

Published By:
Picture of Tor Hoerman

Tor Hoerman

Owner & Attorney - TorHoerman Law

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