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AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit [October 2024 Update]

AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit Overview

On this page, we’ll discuss the AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit, issues related to the AngioDynamics port catheter, types of health problems linked to these devices, the role of a lawyer in seeking compensation for health problems from AngioDynamics port catheters, and much more.

AngioDynamics Port Catheter Linked to Blood Clots and Other Serious Injuries

The AngioDynamics port catheter is a medical device used for long-term intravenous treatments such as chemotherapy, designed to allow easy access to veins.

However, patients have reported significant injuries from these devices, including blood clots, infections, and device fractures that can lead to life-threatening complications.

Due to widespread reports of defects, lawsuits have been filed alleging that AngioDynamics failed to warn patients of the risks.

AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuits are now part of a multidistrict litigation (MDL) to handle claims efficiently in federal court.

Victims are seeking compensation for medical costs, pain, and suffering.

TorHoerman Law is currently accepting new clients for the AngioDynamics AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit.

AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit

If you or a loved one experienced severe complications such as blood clots, infections, or catheter fractures requiring surgery due to a defective AngioDynamics port catheter, you may be eligible to file an AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit and seek compensation.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

Use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for the AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit instantly.

The defects in AngioDynamics port catheters have caused significant physical and emotional strain on individuals and their families, leading to severe complications like infections, blood clots, and surgical interventions.

Medical device companies have a responsibility to design safe products and provide adequate warnings about potential risks, and lawsuits claim AngioDynamics failed to do.

Our law firm is currently investigating claims on behalf of those harmed by these defective port catheters, seeking justice for the affected individuals.

Contact us today. We are here to help you.

Table of Contents

An Overview of the AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit

The AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit centers around claims that the medical device, used for long-term intravenous treatments, has significant design flaws leading to severe complications.

Patients report that the devices can fracture, migrate, or become infected, causing life-threatening conditions such as blood clots, sepsis, and embolisms.

These complications often require additional surgeries and prolonged medical care.

Lawsuits argue that AngioDynamics and its subsidiary, Navilyst Medical, were negligent in their duty to ensure the safety of their products.

Plaintiffs claim the companies did not properly warn healthcare providers or patients about the risks associated with these catheters.

If you or a loved one experienced severe complications such as blood clots, infections, or catheter fractures requiring surgery due to a defective AngioDynamics port catheter, you may be eligible to file an AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit and seek compensation.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

Use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for the AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit instantly.

What is the AngioDynamics Port Catheter MDL?

The AngioDynamics Port Catheter MDL consolidates multiple lawsuits alleging that the company’s port catheter products are defective, leading to severe health complications like fractures, infections, and blood clots.

These cases have been centralized under MDL No. 3125 in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California to streamline pretrial proceedings and reduce duplicative discovery across cases.

Plaintiffs in the MDL argue that the port catheters were manufactured with excess barium sulfate, causing degradation and cracking, which led to injuries.

The MDL aims to address these shared factual questions efficiently while allowing individual cases to maintain their distinct claims for compensation.

Similar to the Bard PowerPort MDL, the litigation seeks to hold manufacturers accountable for product defects, corporate negligence, and failure to warn consumers.

Both cases highlight the legal responsibility of medical device companies to produce safe, reliable devices, particularly for vulnerable patients undergoing long-term treatment.

Plaintiffs in these lawsuits are seeking compensation for medical expenses, pain, suffering, and other damages resulting from the defective port catheters.

As seen in the transfer order for MDL No. 3125, these cases involve questions about the design, manufacture, and marketing of port catheter devices, and the coordination under MDL helps promote efficiency in handling these complex, widespread claims.

This process allows both parties to avoid inconsistent rulings and creates a structured environment to explore corporate accountability.

TorHoerman Law is investigating claims from patients harmed by AngioDynamics port catheters.

Reach out for a free consultation to learn more about your legal options.

What AngioDynamics Inc Devices May Be Defective and Dangerous?

AngioDynamics, Inc. produces several port catheter devices that have been reported as potentially defective and dangerous due to structural issues leading to severe health complications.

These devices, primarily designed for long-term treatments, have been linked to fractures, migration, and infection, placing patients at risk of serious injury.

Specific AngioDynamics devices that may be defective include:

  • Vortex Port Catheter
  • BioFlo Port Catheter
  • SmartPort CT Catheter
  • Xcela Plus Port Catheter
  • Navilyst PowerPort

Health Risks and Complications Linked to AngioDynamics Port Catheter Devices

AngioDynamics port catheter devices are designed to provide long-term vascular access for treatments like chemotherapy but have been linked to serious complications due to defects in the design.

These defects can cause the catheter to fracture, migrate, or develop blockages, leading to significant health issues.

Patients have experienced life-threatening injuries, often requiring surgery to remove or replace the device.

Lawsuits argue that these design flaws make the product unsafe for patients.

Health Risks and Complications Linked to AngioDynamics Port Catheter Devices include:

  • Catheter Fractures: The device can break inside the body, leading to fragments traveling to the heart or lungs, potentially causing embolisms.
  • Migration of the Catheter: The catheter may shift from its original position, leading to improper medication delivery or damage to surrounding organs.
  • Blood Clots (Thrombosis): The presence of the catheter can cause blood clots to form, increasing the risk of stroke or heart attack.
  • Infections: Due to improper sealing or materials, the catheter may introduce bacteria into the bloodstream, causing sepsis or other life-threatening infections.
  • Surgical Complications: Many patients require additional surgeries to remove or repair the defective catheter, increasing their risk of complications during recovery.

Device Fractures and Migration Risks

Device fractures and migration are risks with AngioDynamics implantable ports due to structural weaknesses in the device.

Over time, the implantable port may crack or break, causing small fragments to enter the bloodstream.

These fragments can migrate to critical areas such as the heart or lungs, leading to dangerous embolisms or internal damage.

The migration of an intact catheter can also cause improper medication delivery, potentially harming surrounding tissues.

This issue often requires emergency surgical removal.

These complications significantly increase patient risk during treatment and recovery.

Increased Risk of Blood Clots (Thrombosis)

Defective port catheters have been linked to an increased risk of blood clots (thrombosis), as the device’s presence in the bloodstream can disrupt normal blood flow.

The catheter can irritate the vein walls, triggering the formation of clots around or near the device.

If a blood clot dislodges, it can travel to vital organs like the lungs or brain, causing embolisms, strokes, or heart attacks.

These clots can block blood flow, leading to severe complications that require immediate medical attention.

Thrombosis can also result in the need for additional surgeries or long-term anticoagulant therapy.

The risks associated with these blood clots are particularly concerning for patients already dealing with complex medical treatments.

Infections from Catheter Use

Port catheter infections are a serious risk, often resulting from bacteria entering the bloodstream through the catheter’s insertion site.

This can occur if the catheter is not properly sealed or if it becomes compromised during treatment.

Once bacteria are introduced, patients can develop localized infections or more severe conditions like sepsis, which is life-threatening if not treated promptly.

Infections can lead to extended hospital stays, additional treatments, and even the removal of the catheter.

The risk is particularly high for immunocompromised patients, further complicating their treatment.

Surgical Interventions for Complications

Surgical interventions are often required to address complications from defective AngioDynamics port catheters, such as device fractures or migration.

These surgeries carry significant risks, including infection, bleeding, and damage to surrounding organs or tissues.

Patients may require emergency removal of catheter fragments, which can be complex and dangerous depending on where the device has migrated within the body.

Recovery from these surgeries can be prolonged and painful, with patients facing the possibility of repeated procedures if the complications persist.

Long-term health impacts, such as scarring, additional infections, or reduced mobility, are common following these surgical interventions.

Long-Term Health Consequences of Port Catheter Defects

Patients who suffer complications from defective AngioDynamics port catheters may experience long-term health issues that compound their original medical conditions.

The need for a port often indicates complex treatments like chemotherapy, meaning that any complications can severely disrupt their care.

Long-term consequences include ongoing pain, recurring infections, or the development of chronic conditions such as deep vein thrombosis.

Repeated surgeries to address device failures may result in permanent scarring and reduced mobility, affecting the patient’s quality of life.

These complications can also lead to psychological distress, particularly for those already facing serious illnesses.

Long-term health consequences may include:

  • Chronic pain and discomfort
  • Recurring or persistent infections
  • Increased risk of deep vein thrombosis or embolisms
  • Permanent scarring from multiple surgeries
  • Long-term psychological effects, including anxiety and depression

What are Implantable Ports and Why are They Used?

Implantable ports, also known as port catheters, are small medical devices implanted under the skin, typically in the chest, to provide direct access to a patient’s veins.

These devices are used for patients who require frequent intravenous (IV) treatments, such as chemotherapy, blood transfusions, or long-term medication.

Ports are connected to a catheter that runs through a large vein, allowing healthcare professionals to administer treatments or draw blood without repeated needle sticks.

This reduces discomfort and the risk of vein damage for patients undergoing extended therapies.

The device is generally placed during a minor surgical procedure and remains under the skin, making it more discreet and less prone to infection than external catheters.

Ports are often crucial for patients with complex medical conditions that necessitate ongoing IV access.

While ports can greatly improve a patient’s quality of life during treatment, defective devices can lead to serious complications.

In these cases, patients face additional health risks that can interrupt their treatment plans.

Properly functioning ports are essential for ensuring uninterrupted care in individuals with life-threatening illnesses.

Common health conditions requiring port catheters include:

  • Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy
  • Individuals needing long-term antibiotic therapy
  • Patients with chronic conditions requiring frequent blood transfusions
  • Individuals receiving intravenous nutrition (total parenteral nutrition)
  • Patients requiring frequent blood tests or intravenous fluids

Do You Qualify for the AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit?

Port catheter injuries, such as device fractures, infections, and blood clots, can have severe and long-lasting impacts on patients, disrupting necessary treatments and leading to further health complications.

These injuries often require surgical intervention and prolonged recovery, adding emotional and financial stress to those already managing serious medical conditions.

Medical device companies have a responsibility to ensure their products are safe and to provide clear warnings about potential risks, but when they fail to do so, patients can suffer the consequences.

If you or a loved one experienced severe complications such as blood clots, infections, or catheter fractures requiring surgery due to a defective AngioDynamics port catheter, you may be eligible to file an AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit and seek compensation.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

Use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for the AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit instantly.

Lawyers will help patients who’ve been injured by implantable port devices throughout the legal process, gathering evidence for their claim and assessing damages to seek adequate compensation.

Gathering Evidence for Port Catheter Lawsuits

Gathering strong evidence is crucial to pursuing a successful Port Catheter Lawsuit.

Patients and their legal teams must provide thorough documentation of the injuries, medical treatments, and impact on their health caused by the defective catheter.

Evidence in AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuits include:

  • Medical Records: Documentation of treatments, surgeries, and complications related to the port catheter.
  • Doctor’s Notes and Reports: Professional opinions on the cause and extent of injuries.
  • Photographs and Imaging: X-rays, MRIs, or photos showing device fractures or other damage.
  • Product Information: Details about the specific port catheter model and its defects.
  • Financial Records: Proof of medical expenses, lost wages, and other related costs.

Assessing Damages for Port Catheter Lawsuits

Damages in a port catheter lawsuit refer to the compensation a patient can seek for the physical, emotional, and financial impact caused by the defective device.

A lawyer helps calculate these damages by assessing both the immediate and long-term consequences of the injuries, including medical costs and loss of quality of life.

Possible damages that may be considered in a Port Catheter Lawsuit may include:

  • Medical Expenses: Past, present, and future treatment costs.
  • Lost Wages: Income lost due to recovery time or inability to work.
  • Pain and Suffering: Physical pain and emotional distress caused by the injury.
  • Long-Term Care: Costs related to ongoing medical needs or rehabilitation.
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life: Impact on daily activities and overall well-being.
  • Other compensatory and punitive damages

TorHoerman Law: Investigating the AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuits

Injuries caused by defective port catheters can have a devastating impact on patients’ lives, affecting their health, emotional well-being, and financial stability.

As a result, lawsuits are being filed to hold AngioDynamics accountable for the harm caused by their faulty devices.

These cases are part of a larger multidistrict litigation (MDL), providing an organized and efficient framework to handle the numerous claims.

TorHoerman Law has extensive experience handling cases related to defective medical devices, holding manufacturers accountable for the harm caused by faulty products, their failure to warn consumers, and the severe complications that arise from product defects.

We have secured more than $4 billion in settlements and verdicts since 2009, and we’re prepared to help you seek justice.

If you or a loved one have suffered injuries such as blood clots, infections, or fractures due to a defective AngioDynamics port catheter, you may be eligible to seek compensation through an AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify to file an AngioDynamics Port Lawsuit instantly.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit?

    The AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit involves claims that certain AngioDynamics port catheters, used for long-term medical treatments, are defective.

    Patients allege that these devices have caused severe complications such as fractures, infections, and blood clots.

    The lawsuits argue that AngioDynamics and its subsidiary Navilyst Medical failed to warn patients of these risks and that the devices are poorly designed.

    TorHoerman Law is actively accepting new clients for the AngioDynamics Port Catheter Lawsuit.

    Contact us for a free consultation or use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify to file an AngioDynamics Port Lawsuit instantly.

  • What is the AngioDynamics Port Catheter Device and What are the Problems with Them?

    The AngioDynamics port catheter device is designed for long-term intravenous treatments, such as chemotherapy, providing easy access to the patient’s vascular system.

    However, many patients have reported severe complications, including catheter fractures and catheter migration.

    These issues pose serious health risks, such as blood clots and infections, which can lead to further catheter failure and the need for surgical removal.

    The lawsuits claim that these implantable port catheter devices are defective, causing life-threatening injuries like cardiac arrhythmia and pulmonary embolism due to a fractured catheter.

  • What Complications are Linked to defective AngioDynamics port catheters?

    Defective AngioDynamics port catheter devices have led to significant health issues for patients.

    These implantable port devices can fracture or migrate, leading to severe complications like embolisms or blockages in the blood vessels.

    This poses serious health complications, especially for those with weakened immune systems or preexisting health conditions.

    Major risks include:

    • Catheter Fractures: Device fragments can enter the bloodstream, causing embolisms or heart complications.
    • Catheter Migration: The implanted port may shift, leading to improper delivery of medications.
    • Serious Health Risks: Patients may experience blood clots, sepsis, or pulmonary embolism from the defective device.

  • Is There an AngioDynamics Port Catheter Class Action Lawsuit?

    No, there is no AngioDynamics Port class action lawsuit; instead, these cases are part of multidistrict litigation (MDL).

    MDL is a legal process that consolidates similar lawsuits from different courts into one district for pretrial proceedings.

    Unlike class actions, where plaintiffs share a single lawsuit, MDL allows each plaintiff to maintain their individual case.

    This helps streamline the process by addressing common factual issues while still enabling separate claims for damages and compensation.

    This means that individuals who file claims in the MDL may be eligible to receive unique settlements based on

  • What are the Problems with AngioDynamics Smart Ports?

    Problems with AngioDynamics Smart Ports primarily stem from device defects such as fractures, migration, and infections.

    These ports can break apart, causing fragments to enter the bloodstream, leading to life-threatening complications like blood clots and embolisms.

    Device migration may interfere with the delivery of medications, while infections at the port site or in the bloodstream can cause sepsis.

    These issues often require additional surgeries and can severely impact a patient’s health, potentially leading to long-term complications and ongoing medical care.

  • What are the Risks of Catheter Fracture and Migration?

    Catheter fracture and catheter migration are two major issues with AngioDynamics port catheter devices. When the device fractures, small pieces can enter the bloodstream, causing serious complications, including pulmonary embolism and damage to blood vessels.

    The implantable port device can also migrate from its original position, which may result in improper medication delivery, leading to further health deterioration.

    Both issues significantly increase the likelihood of serious health risks, requiring emergency intervention and prolonged recovery times.

Written By:
Tor Hoerman

Tor Hoerman

Owner & Attorney - TorHoerman Law

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