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Signs of Cold and Other Illness in Babies | TorHoerman Law

How to Tell if a Newborn Is Sick: the Most Common Health Conditions Parents Should Look For

If you’re a first-time parent or your child has never been sick before, it can be distressing when your newborn baby falls ill, especially if you’re unable to pinpoint the underlying cause of the issue.

When your baby exhibits irregular behaviors, unusual symptoms, or signs of sickness, your first reaction may be to panic.

Dealing with sickness is a natural part of human life — especially for infants, as they have yet to fully develop the immune cells necessary to fight infection — but it’s crucial to know how to correctly identify and respond to common health conditions in newborn babies.

Though many symptoms are normal and present no cause for concern, others can pose a serious risk to your child’s health or may indicate an underlying health issue.

Knowing more about these common health conditions can be empowering for parents, family members, friends, and caretakers alike.

It can be helpful, even calming, to know when you need to talk to your pediatrician and when home care will suffice.

Simply put, learning about the signs and symptoms of sickness in newborns will allow you to make the right decisions for your baby’s health and well-being, both in the short and long term.

How To Tell if Your Newborn Baby Has a Cold

Colds are among the most common health problems in babies.

While they usually aren’t serious, they can develop into more serious issues like pneumonia, and it’s important to monitor your baby’s condition and ensure they receive proper care.

Colds can present with a variety of different symptoms, including but not limited to:

  • Stuffy or runny nose;
  • Fever or a body temperature greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit;
  • Fussiness;
  • Nasal discharge; which may be yellow, green, or clear;
  • Coughing;
  • Sneezing;
  • Muscle aches.

Keeping an eye out for these symptoms can help you identify colds, the flu, and similar issues quickly after they emerge, enabling you to properly address them sooner and prevent them from escalating.

Causes of Colds in Newborns

There are more than 200 viruses that can cause the common cold, the most common of which is the Rhinovirus.

Babies can be exposed to cold viruses by contaminated air or surfaces, or through direct contact with someone who has one.

These viruses can enter your baby’s body through their mouth, nose, or eyes.

Babies can catch a cold any time of year, although some viruses are much more common during the colder months.

Babies who frequently spend time around other children, such as in daycare, often have a higher chance of being exposed.

Additionally, younger children, such as newborn babies, are also at greater risk, as their immune systems are very immature and have not yet developed any resistance to viruses.

Treating a Baby With a Cold

It’s well-known that there’s no cure for the common cold.

Ultimately, you will need to wait for the immune system to eliminate the virus on its own.

However, there are several important steps that you can take to keep your baby comfortable and prevent complications from occurring:

    • Give them Tylenol for fever: You may also give them motrin if they are over 6 months old
    • Increase their fluid intake: Babies under six months should only be given formula or breastmilk, while babies over six months can also have water. Sugary drinks like juice should be avoided unless your doctor instructs otherwise.
  • Give them saline drops: This helps to break up any thick mucus that may be present and allow your baby to breathe more easily.
  • Put a humidifier in their room: If you don’t have a humidifier available, sitting in a steamy bathroom can provide a similar effect

You should avoid giving your baby any over-the-counter cough or cold medicine unless your doctor specifically instructs you to do so.

According to the Mayo Clinic, article about the common cold in babies linked above, your baby’s cold should resolve in 10-14 days if you experience no complications.

In most cases, your baby will be able to return to daycare  once they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours, although you should always ask for your doctor’s recommendation if you feel unsure.

When To See a Doctor for Your Baby’s Cold or Illness

If your baby is under three months old, you should contact their primary care provider at the first sign of any illness.

This is critical to ensure that the child doesn’t have an infection or other underlying issue that may be causing their symptoms.

If your baby is over three months of age, they may not need to see a doctor in every case.

However, it’s still important to watch for symptoms and respond quickly if you believe your child needs medical attention.

There are several signs that a baby with a cold may need professional care:

  • Signs of dehydration;
  • Coughing;
  • Changes in breathing;
  • Ear pain;
  • Red eyes;
  • Yellow-green discharge from eyes;
  • Sudden decrease in appetite.

If your baby displays one or more of these symptoms, it may indicate that it’s time to see a doctor.

However, you should never refrain from seeking medical attention if you feel like something’s not right.

Other Signs and Symptoms of a Sick Baby

There are a variety of symptoms that are not always associated with colds, but can still indicate potentially serious health issues in babies.

While it’s often difficult to diagnose a baby’s exact condition without specialized tools and training, learning to recognize the common signs of an underlying illness can help you ensure that your baby stays happy and healthy.

Problems With Feeding

Many babies have minor or short-term issues with food, such as being picky about what they eat, spitting up or vomiting, or having diarrhea.

These smaller problems are typically temporary and can be resolved with home remedies.

If these issues persist or intensify, it could be a sign that your baby has a more serious condition, like a food allergy, thyroid problem, infant botulism, or congenital health problem.

While many babies are fussy eaters, having consistent problems with food can have serious consequences for your newborn.

Poor feeding can result in lifelong health problems, including stunted or slowed growth, malnutrition, and impacts on brain development.

No matter the cause, if you suspect your baby has a more severe issue with food or the food may be contaminated, bring it up with your pediatrician as soon as possible.

Distended Stomach

Stomach distention occurs when the stomach expands or swells to a larger size than is typical.

It’s fairly common in infants, particularly after feeding.

It can also be caused by inhaling an excess amount of air or consuming too many liquids.

In that case, burping and other gas relief methods can be an effective treatment.

A distended stomach in and of itself is not a cause for concern, but when it appears alongside other symptoms, it can be indicative of a bigger problem.

Some signs to look out for include a hard belly, constipation, diarrhea or vomiting, or a fever.

These symptoms can signal an infection, malabsorption of nutrients, or an organ obstruction in the digestive system.

If you notice any of these symptoms at the same time as stomach distension, you should reach out to your pediatrician.

If your baby is in serious distress or their symptoms are worsening, you may need to take them to the emergency room.

Discolored Skin

There are several reasons why infants might have discolored skin, but some of the most common are jaundice and blue baby syndrome.

Jaundice, which makes the skin look yellow, is highly prevalent among newborns.

It occurs when the baby’s liver is unable to get rid of excess bilirubin, a yellow pigment produced by the breakdown of red blood cells.

Typically, neonatal jaundice clears up on its own in a few weeks.

However, if it lasts longer than that, it could be caused by an underlying issue, such as a malfunctioning liver, a viral or bacterial infection, leukemia, or even internal bleeding.

Blue baby syndrome, on the other hand, makes the skin look blue or purple, particularly near the lips, ears, and nail beds.

It is caused by blood with low oxygen levels, which, in turn, has several causes in and of itself.

Poorly oxygenated blood could stem from a congenital heart defect, problems with the respiratory system, or nitrate poisoning.

Treatment for blue baby syndrome varies greatly, depending on the cause.

Other causes of discolored skin in babies range from harmless birthmarks to bruises (which could be harmless but could be also an indicator of a health issue or even mistreatment of the child).


Lethargy refers to either physical or mental feelings of sleepiness, sluggishness, fatigue, or exhaustion.

In babies, lethargy can present itself in several different ways, ranging from having little energy to sleeping more than usual.

Babies do need more rest and sleep than older children and adults — depending on their age, they may need to sleep up to 16 hours per day — but excessive sleep, exhaustion, being unresponsive, or other sudden shifts in behavior might be a cause for concern.

Lethargy can be caused by something as simple as low blood sugar or as serious as a brain injury or nutritional deficiencies.

Whether it came on gradually or suddenly, you should immediately seek medical attention for your child if they are truly lethargic.

Birth Injuries

Due to advances in healthcare, birth injuries have declined steadily over the years, but it is possible for your baby to be injured during the birthing process.

These injuries can result from natural complications in birth, but can also be due to medical malpractice committed by a doctor or other healthcare professional.

Sometimes referred to as birth trauma, common examples of these types of injuries include:

  • Minor bruises, cuts, or fractures, which are particularly common in larger infants or feet-foot births;
  • Complications from vacuum extractions, such as skull fractures or shoulder injuries;
  • Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy or birth asphyxia, which occurs when the baby does not get enough oxygen during the birthing process;
  • Infant hematoma, which causes blood to pool around the baby’s brain;
  • Injuries to the spinal cord, which can be caused by pulling, rotating, or stretching the baby during birth.

Smaller birth injuries often heal on their own or quickly with proper medical care, but sometimes, they are more serious and require further treatment.

In very rare but severe instances, these injuries could affect your child’s health for the rest of their life.

In addition to seeking both appropriate short- and long-term care for your child, you may also want to look into legal assistance to properly deal with any birth injuries.

Problems Breathing

Babies commonly have breathing patterns that may seem worrisome to their parents, such as making unusual noises or taking long pauses between breaths.

As many as 7% of newborn infants experience respiratory distress.

In many instances, these irregularities are caused by infants’ developing respiratory systems and are nothing to worry about.

Although rare, breathing problems can be indicative of more serious health problems, including severe infection or obstruction of the airways.

If your baby is breathing very rapidly, working very hard to breathe, or has additional symptoms (such as fever or lethargy), you may need to contact the doctor or seek medical care.

Excessive Crying and Fussiness

While some may do so more than others, all babies cry and fuss from time to time.

It’s part of how infants communicate their needs and interact with others.

If your baby cries, they may simply need food, changing, or attention.

Even phases of frequent crying and fussing can be a normal part of your infant’s development.

Of course, when crying and fussing becomes excessive or severe, it could be a sign of a medical problem.

It may be minor or easily treated, like an ear infection or toothache, but others may signal major complications, such as hearing issues or brain damage.

Pay attention to your baby’s cries so you’re able to determine which ones are normal for them and which require a trip to the doctor.


Convulsions and seizures are relatively common in newborns and babies.

Febrile convulsions are among the most common and are caused by fevers.

However, seizures can also be caused by a host of other conditions, ranging from epilepsy to genetic disorders.

On occasion, seizures can be caused by using certain products; for instance, popular teething tablets and gels have been linked to convulsions in infants.

Common symptoms of a febrile convulsion include uncontrolled muscle movement, strange or jerky movements, changes in breathing, eyes rolling in the back of the head, and loss of consciousness.

If your child has severe symptoms or they have been unconscious for several minutes, you should seek medical care immediately.

Even if your child has had convulsions before or you’ve already received guidance from a doctor on how to handle a convulsion, you should always call 9-1-1 for long or intense convulsions.

How To Help a Sick Baby

If your baby’s condition isn’t serious enough to seek immediate medical attention, there are many ways you can soothe and care for them at home when they get sick.

Many of the following tips can also be useful in helping your baby maintain overall health and wellness, even when they aren’t feeling sick:

  • Drink fluids: Like adults, babies can benefit from drinking a lot of fluids when they’re unwell. If they’re younger than six months, stick to breast milk or formula; if they’re older than six months, you can also give them a small amount of cool water.
  • Give over-the-counter medications: You can use certain over-the-counter medications to relieve some of your baby’s symptoms. Make sure any medications you give are age-appropriate and safe for children.
  • Get plenty of rest: Rest and relaxation are crucial to getting better. Try to put your baby to bed early or encourage them to take an extra nap during the day.
  • Give them a bath: Giving your baby a bath can be soothing. Give them a warm bath to ease any aches or pains, or a lukewarm one if they are running a fever and need to cool off.
  • Give them love and attention: Finally, shower your baby with love and affection while you help them get better. Try quiet activities, such as reading, singing, or napping with them, to connect with your baby during this time.

If your child has never been sick before or you’re a first-time parent, it can be scary and easy to catastrophize when your newborn falls ill.

Remember that things likely aren’t as serious as you think — and that you can get help from your doctor when your baby does need it.


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TorHoerman Law is an extraordinary law firm – a firm that truly makes the client’s best interests the primary concern. Their team of personal injury lawyers are experienced, personable, and well versed in a range of litigation areas. They are supported by a dedicated team of staff that are as equally friendly and helpful. I would recommend TorHoerman Law for any personal injury litigation needs.

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