In Granite City, you can find anywhere from a home-cooked meal to a little cafe on the corner.
Uncle Linney’s Restaurant has the “grandma’s kitchen” food you’ve been searching for.
Welcoming employees, a lovely atmosphere, and delicious food makes for a relaxing and enjoyable eating experience.
Novel Idea and Bookstore and More makes the “bookstore on the corner” a brand new genre.
This little nook houses hundreds of books, a record shop, and a vintage candy store.
Connected to this lovely little shop is theBoardgamery.
Who doesn’t want to drink some delicious coffee and play a game with some friends? With the bookstore just around the bend, you can even grab some tea and an ice cream cone and read some amazing books.
What a combo!
Perhaps the most popular (and beautiful) of Granite City’s attractions are the parks.
Over 175 acres of reserved land for the parks and recreation department means that anyone of any age can participate in nature’s glory.
The parks are not only a charming place to walk around, but host hundreds of activities.
Basketball courts, ice rinks, football complexes, and even a waterpark are just some of the places to check out.
Not only do the parks have things to see, but lessons for those who want to learn how to do some of those activities! Dance classes, figure skating lessons, and even country line dance nights are available all year round.