Car Accidents
Despite the effortful safety initiatives, accidents happen.
In 2011, there were 884 traffic accidents in Kirkwood.
Only 1 of these accidents was fatal but was were a total of 148 injuries reported.
Roads that have been especially problematic are Interstate 270, Interstate 44, and Manchester Road.
If you happen to stroll through Kirkwood, be prepared to take it on Manchester Road.
It’s multilane, has an unfixed speed limit, and is so busy that even the most seasoned St. Louis drivers remain wary.
Car accidents are not the only hazard in the area.
Unexpected slips or falls, side effects from food or medication, assaults, and even dog bites are all problems we sometimes must face.
Here’s the good news: if you suffer one of these or a similar event, a Kirkwood injury lawyer is ready to help you.
Swimming Accidents
Swimming can be a leisurely activity.
However, it can be extremely dangerous with done without taking the correct precautions.
Young children and intoxicated adults are two of the most vulnerable populations in regard to drowning incidents.
The Kirkwood Aquatic Center is the city’s finest swimming hole and within it, you will find many safety regulations to attempt to prevent any such tragic accidents.
If you’re running and slip, it’s best to look for a Kirkwood injury lawyer to sort out a potential compensation.