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PFAS Firefighter Gear Lawsuit [2024 Update]

PFAS Firefighter Gear Lawsuit Overview

On this page, we’ll discuss the PFAS Firefighter Gear Lawsuit, the presence of PFAS in turnout gear, why firefighting gear contains PFAS chemicals, how a PFAS firefighter gear lawyer can help you, and much more.

Why Are Potentially Cancer-Causing Chemicals in Firefighting Gear?

Known as “forever chemicals” due to their persistence in the environment and the human body, PFAS have been linked to a variety of cancers and other debilitating conditions.

Firefighters, who regularly rely on their protective gear to survive dangerous situations, may unknowingly face long-term exposure to these toxic chemicals.

The PFAS Firefighter Gear Lawsuit is rooted in the increasing concern that chemicals used in firefighter protective equipment may lead to serious health issues.

The growing number of claims highlights that this problem extends beyond firefighting foam and into the gear that firefighters wear daily.

PFAS Firefighter Gear Lawsuit

As more firefighters come forward with health problems, many victims are seeking compensation for the damage caused by PFAS exposure.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with health conditions linked to PFAS in firefighting gear, you may have a legal claim for compensation.

At TorHoerman Law, our experienced team of attorneys is dedicated to helping victims of PFAS exposure seek justice and receive the compensation they deserve.

Contact us for a free consultation.

You can also use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for the PFAS Firefighter Gear Lawsuit instantly.

Table of Contents

What are PFAS Chemicals and Why are They Dangerous?

First developed in the 1940s, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of thousands of synthetic chemicals known for their non-stick, water-repellent, and heat-resistant properties.

Because of these qualities, PFAS became a crucial ingredient in a wide range of consumer and industrial goods.

PFAS chemicals are found in products like non-stick cookware, waterproof clothing, food packaging, and firefighting foam.

However, the same durability that makes PFAS useful also makes them dangerous, as they are extremely resistant to breaking down in the environment and the human body, leading to their classification as “forever chemicals.”

Once absorbed, PFAS accumulate in organs and tissues, including the bloodstream, where they can persist for years.

This long-term presence has been linked to various health issues, including cancer, immune system suppression, and liver damage.

The persistence and widespread use of PFAS mean that they have contaminated water supplies and soils, posing a global environmental and public health concern.

Common Applications of PFAS

PFAS are in numerous consumer and industrial products.

Products include:

  • Non-Stick Cookware: PFAS are crucial in producing non-stick coatings like Teflon.
  • Waterproof Clothing: Many outdoor and athletic brands use PFAS to create water-resistant fabrics.
  • Food Packaging: PFAS is commonly used in fast food wrappers, take-out containers, and other types of food packaging to prevent grease from seeping through.
  • Cleaning Products: Some cleaning products, like carpet spot removers and stain-resistant sprays, contain PFAS.
  • Carpet and Upholstery Treatments: These chemicals are effective in making fabrics and carpets stain-resistant.

Their widespread use makes PFAS a constant presence in everyday life.

One of the most significant sources of PFAS exposure is from firefighter protective gear.

Why Are PFAS Used in Firefighter Gear?

Firefighters face unique hazards in the line of fire service — their personal protective equipment, called turnout gear, needs to withstand extreme conditions while keeping them safe and comfortable.

The chemical properties of PFAS compounds make them a natural fit for firefighting applications.

PFAS provide the necessary waterproof and heat-resistant qualities that help prevent moisture from seeping into the gear and protect against the extreme heat encountered in firefighting.

Additionally, these chemicals help extend the lifespan of the gear, offering long-lasting durability.

Despite these benefits, the use of PFAS in turnout gear has raised concerns due to the harmful health effects linked to PFAS exposure, which accumulate in the body over time​.

PFAS in firefighting gear provide:

  • Water Repellency: PFAS chemicals make turnout gear water-resistant, keeping firefighters dry and reducing their risk of hypothermia and steam burns.
  • Flame Resistance: PFAS compounds protect firefighters from extreme heat and flame exposure, allowing them to work longer in hazardous conditions.
  • Chemical Resistance: PFAS are resistant to a wide range of chemicals found in smoke and other fire-related hazards, making them an ideal ingredient for protective gear.
  • Durability: PFAS chemicals ensure that the gear maintains its protective qualities even after repeated exposure to dangerous conditions.

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)’s NFPA 1971 (Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting), a firefighter’s protective clothing includes turnout coats, pants, gloves, boots, footwear, and helmets.

The textiles used in these items, specifically the pants and jackets, have three layers of material, each with a specific function.

Layers of firefighting gear include:

  1. Outer Shell: This layer is designed to protect against heat, flame, and chemicals. It also provides water resistance.
  2. Moisture Barrier: The middle layer helps keep moisture out while allowing sweat and moisture from the firefighter’s body to escape.
  3. Thermal Barrier: The inner layer provides insulation to keep firefighters warm in cold conditions. This layer is what comes into direct contact with the skin.

All three layers of turnout gear may contain PFAS chemicals, but primarily the outer shell to repel water and resist chemicals and flames.

This fact means that firefighters are exposed to these harmful chemicals every time they wear their gear, jeopardizing firefighter safety in the long run.

The Dangers of PFAS in Firefighter Gear

The presence of PFAS in firefighter gear is becoming a growing concern, especially after the discovery of high concentrations of PFAS in personal protective clothing.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published a study in January 2024 on the wear and tear of textiles used for firefighter turnout gear.

“More than 20 types of PFAS might be present in firefighter gear and that the amount and type of PFAS vary depending on the type of textile used and the amount of stress it has been subjected to,” said co-author Rick D. Davis.

Researchers tested 53 different PFAS compounds on 21 textiles typically used in each layer of turnout gear.

After stressing the textiles through laundering, abrasion, heat, and weathering (exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation and high humidity), they made findings.

Researchers found that:

  • Abrasion increased the measured PFAS concentrations across all textiles.
  • Heat and weathering increased the measured PFAS concentrations in the outer shell textiles.
  • Laundering had little effect on PFAS concentrations. It may have even decreased the PFAS levels in some textiles due to being washed away into the wash water.
  • Before and after stressing the textiles, the outer shell had the highest measured PFAS concentrations, while the lowest was in the thermal barrier.

It’s critical to note that the researchers conducted the study using a solvent in a highly controlled laboratory environment.

The results from actual turnout gear use may vary and require further research.

The study indicates that the PFAS in turnout gear can gradually wear off over time, exposing firefighters to these harmful chemicals.

Co-author John Kucklick shared, “Using PFAS in turnout gear may or may not be an acceptable risk, given all the other hazards that firefighters already face. This data will help people weigh those costs and benefits.”

PFAS Exposure and Elevated Health Risks in Firefighters

Firefighters already face numerous hazards, including smoke inhalation and chemical exposure at fire sites, but PFAS presents an additional, hidden danger.

Studies have shown that firefighters have higher-than-average rates of cancer than the general population, and exposure to PFAS in fire gear is a significant contributing factor.

While protective equipment is designed to shield firefighters from external hazards, it may unwittingly expose them to PFAS compounds that accumulate in their bloodstream and organs.

This prolonged exposure makes firefighters more susceptible to serious health risks.

Health Problems Linked to PFAS Exposure

PFAS exposure has been linked to a growing list of serious health problems, particularly for firefighters who face prolonged and repeated PFAS risks through their protective gear.

Whether through wear and tear from regular usage or old age, turnout gear can release these harmful chemicals into the air and onto firefighters’ skin.

Forever chemicals accumulate in the body over time, contributing to significant health risks, especially when firefighters regularly wear and handle contaminated gear.

Health experts have specifically associated PFAS exposure with the following health effects.

Various Types of Cancer

Studies have shown that PFAS exposure affects the body’s immune system and can trigger cancer-causing mutations.

Because of their persistence, the chemicals accumulate in the body over time, making firefighters exposed to them more susceptible to several types of cancer.

Testicular Cancer

Multiple studies have established a strong correlation between PFAS exposure and the development of testicular cancer.

Firefighters regularly exposed to PFAS through their gear have been found to have higher incidences of this type of cancer.

An animal study by the Cancer Center at Illinois (CCIL) observed that PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonic acid) and HQ-115 (lithium bis-trifluoromethanesulfonimide) increased the testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT) growth in mice.

The two PFAS chemicals caused epigenetic changes in the cells, leading to increased cancer development.

Kidney Cancer

PFAS chemicals can impair kidney function and increase the risk of kidney cancer.

A 2020 study discovered that participants with the highest concentrations of PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) in their blood were twice as likely to develop kidney cancer than those with the lowest levels.

Whether through occupational exposure or environmental contamination, PFOA exposure can increase the risk of this type of cancer.

This issue is particularly concerning for firefighters whose daily use of PFAS-containing turnout gear elevates their exposure levels.

Prostate Cancer

PFAS exposure has also been associated with prostate cancer, a leading cause of cancer-related deaths among men.

A 2021 study observed that PFAS compounds provoked metabolic changes in prostate cells.

These changes caused epigenomic reprogramming and altered signaling, advancing tumorigenic risk and aggressiveness.

Firefighters may have this cancer at rates significantly higher than the general population and their exposure to PFAS chemicals through turnout gear and firefighting activities presents a severe health risk.

Bladder Cancer

Although less common, bladder cancer is another condition linked to PFAS exposure, highlighting the broad spectrum of cancer types associated with these chemicals.

A 2005 study in Japan and a 2022 study in Merrimack, New Hampshire, both found a positive association between PFAS exposure and bladder cancer.

The prevalence of bladder cancer in firefighters is significantly higher than the national average.

This fact, combined with their frequent exposure to PFAS in turnout gear and firefighting activities, emphasizes the need for further research, alternative gear, and better protective measures.

Liver Cancer

Like other cancers, prolonged PFAS exposure can increase the risk of liver cancer.

An animal study in 2022 observed that PFAS can modify hepatic lipid, amino acid, and glucose metabolism.

This change can raise the chance of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) — a primary liver cancer in adults.

The increased risk of liver cancer among firefighters, combined with their exposure to PFAS through turnout gear, underscores the urgency for PFAS-free turnout gear and stricter regulations on these chemicals in firefighting equipment.

Other Serious Health Effects

Aside from cancer, PFAS risks can also lead to other serious health effects.

Thyroid Disease

The thyroid gland is particularly vulnerable to endocrine-disrupting chemicals like PFAS.

Long-term exposure can lead to thyroid disease, manifesting as either hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).

Firefighters exposed to PFAS may experience weight changes, fatigue, depression, or cardiovascular issues as a result of thyroid dysfunction.

Immune System Suppression

PFAS exposure can result in suppressed immune system function, increasing susceptibility to infections and impairing the body’s ability to fight diseases.

This condition is hazardous for firefighters, who are often exposed to other environmental toxins and harmful pathogens during their duties.

A weakened immune system can leave them more vulnerable to illnesses and slower recovery times.

Fertility Problems

PFAS can disrupt reproductive hormones, leading to fertility issues in both men and women.

For male firefighters, this issue may manifest as reduced sperm count and quality.

Female firefighters may experience irregular menstrual cycles, complications with pregnancy, or early menopause.

High Cholesterol

PFAS exposure can also elevate cholesterol levels, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Studies have shown that individuals with high levels of PFAS in their bloodstream are more likely to develop hypercholesterolemia, which can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and other serious heart conditions.

The high levels of PFAS exposure in firefighters and their intense physical activities put them at a greater risk of developing cardiovascular issues.

Immediate Health Impacts

PFAS exposure poses immediate risks to firefighters’ health.

The short-term effects can include symptoms such as:

  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Skin Irritation
  • Eye Irritation
  • Headaches
  • Respiratory Issues

These symptoms may appear immediately after exposure or develop over time.

The severity of these symptoms can increase depending on the level and duration of exposure to PFAS chemicals.

Cumulative exposure is particularly dangerous because firefighters may be unaware of the health risks until it’s too late.

Many of the health problems associated with PFAS exposure do not develop until years or even decades after the initial contact.

This delayed onset means firefighters may not connect their illnesses with PFAS-contaminated gear, further complicating diagnosis and treatment.

The Call for Safer Alternatives and Regulatory Action

Scientific studies and expert opinions continue to underscore the serious health risks associated with PFAS exposure, particularly for firefighters regularly exposed to these chemicals in their protective gear.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other health authorities have all issued warnings about the dangers of PFAS, primarily when exposure occurs over a prolonged period.

In response to the growing body of evidence linking PFAS exposure to serious health risks, there is increasing pressure on manufacturers, regulators, and the firefighting community to find PFAS-free alternatives.

There have been calls for stricter regulations on using PFAS in firefighting equipment.

Advocates are pushing for safer alternatives and better protection for firefighters, including developing PFAS-free gear and materials that can still protect against fire hazards.

The PFAS Firefighter Gear Lawsuit

The PFAS Firefighter Gear Lawsuit is part of the ongoing AFFF Lawsuits against manufacturers of PFAS chemicals in AFFF firefighting foams and PFAS-containing firefighting gear.

Lawsuits from firefighters who have suffered serious health problems linked to PFAS exposure are included in the AFFF Lawsuit, claiming that prolonged exposure to PFAS in turnout gear has led to severe health conditions.

How PFAS Firefighter Gear Lawyers Assist With These Cases

PFAS firefighter gear lawyers help firefighters through these lawsuits.

Our lawyers work with plaintiffs to gather evidence, document exposure, and link health problems to PFAS chemicals.

Lawyers will also pursue compensation to cover the following:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages and reduced earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Other damages resulting from PFAS-related health conditions

The legal process is often challenging, but experienced PFAS lawyers can guide plaintiffs through each step, ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve.

If you decide to pursue a PFAS lawsuit, seek legal representation from a reputable and experienced PFAS lawyer with a track record of successfully handling similar cases.

Practical Steps for Firefighters Concerned About PFAS Exposure

For firefighters concerned about PFAS exposure, there are several vital steps to take.

Steps include:

  • Monitor Health for Signs of PFAS-Related Illnesses: Pay attention to symptoms such as fatigue, unexplained weight loss, or difficulty breathing.
  • Speak to a Healthcare Provider About Potential Exposure: Physicians can provide screenings and tests to identify early signs of PFAS-related conditions, such as cancer or thyroid problems.
  • Get Regular Health Screenings: Early detection is crucial in managing PFAS-related health risks.

If you believe your health has been impacted by exposure to PFAS in protective gear, there are steps you should take.

Steps include:

  • Document Your Exposure: Keep a detailed record of the type of protective clothing used, the duration of exposure, and any health issues that have arisen.
  • Collect Medical Records: Your medical records can provide evidence of PFAS-related health conditions, which are crucial in building a solid case.
  • Consult a PFAS Firefighter Gear Lawyer: An experienced attorney can evaluate the case and help determine whether they are eligible for compensation through a PFAS lawsuit.

TorHoerman Law: PFAS Firefighter Gear Lawyers

Firefighters across the country are at risk of PFAS exposure and related serious health issues due to the presence of forever chemicals in their gear.

Lawsuits against PFAS manufacturers for exposure to contaminated turnout gear are included in the broader AFFF Lawsuit.

If you or a loved one have developed cancer or other serious health issues after being exposed to PFAS turnout gear, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit.

Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation.

Use the chatbot on this page to find out if you qualify for the PFAS Firefighter Gear Lawsuit instantly.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the PFAS Firefighter Gear Lawsuit?

    The PFAS Firefighter Gear Lawsuit focuses on the exposure of firefighters to potentially cancer-causing chemicals found in their turnout gear.

    These lawsuits claim that manufacturers of firefighter protective gear knowingly included PFAS chemicals, also known as forever chemicals, in their products, exposing firefighters to significant health risks like cancer and immune system problems.

    Firefighters are seeking compensation for these health issues and are advocating for the development of PFAS-free turnout gear to eliminate future exposure risks.

  • How do PFAS chemicals end up in firefighter gear?

    PFAS compounds are incorporated into firefighter protective clothing such as turnout gear because of their ability to resist water, heat, and chemicals.

    The National Fire Protection Association requires that firefighting gear provide water repellency and flame resistance, making PFAS chemicals a natural fit.

    Wear and tear of the protective gear leads to increased PFAS exposure for firefighters, raising concerns about the long-term health effects of these toxic chemicals.

  • What health risks are associated with PFAS exposure in firefighter gear?

    Firefighters exposed to PFAS in turnout gear face severe health risks, including cancers such as kidney cancer, testicular cancer, and prostate cancer.

    The forever chemicals in their protective equipment accumulate in the body over time, leading to elevated levels of measured PFAS concentrations and increasing the likelihood of developing cancer-causing illnesses.

    The Environmental Protection Agency and health experts have raised concerns about the widespread use of PFAS chemicals in firefighter gear, prompting calls for PFAS-free alternatives.

  • Can firefighters seek compensation through a PFAS lawsuit?

    Yes, firefighters who have been exposed to PFAS in turnout gear and have developed health problems, including cancer, can file a PFAS firefighter gear lawsuit.

    These lawsuits claim that manufacturers of firefighter protective gear failed to warn users about the cancer-causing chemicals in their gear.

    Firefighters are seeking compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and the long-term health impacts of PFAS exposure.

  • How can a PFAS firefighter gear lawyer assist with your case?

    A PFAS firefighter gear lawyer can help firefighters by evaluating their case, collecting medical records, and gathering evidence related to PFAS exposure from their protective gear.

    These attorneys work to secure financial compensationfor medical costs, lost wages, and other damages linked to exposure to forever chemicals in firefighter’s protective clothing.

    Lawyers can also advocate for PFAS-free alternatives in firefighting gear to protect future firefighters from these health risks.

Written By:
Tor Hoerman

Tor Hoerman

Owner & Attorney - TorHoerman Law

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